Hmm. Where shall I start? There's just to many things to mention that I couldn't even decide which one shall I start with first. Ahah! I know! Let me just say this...
I've bought myself an IPHONE 4!!!

Ok, I know it's kinda too late for me to even mention this and knowing that most of you are using IPhones now. But still, I am a new user for Apple and so excited about it! Hehehe! I am definitely loving my phone cos it has been a life-saver for me throughout my long bus ride from home and work. It does prevent me from dozing off in the bus and having to miss my stops most of the time. And of course, I am super crazy over the different Apps available in the store. One of the Apps that I do used most of the time is... INSTAGRAM! Now, what is a phone without a camera and especially when there is an App for you to edit your photos and make it even more PRETTIER! Well, here are some of the photos that I used to edit it with.

Now, I have to put IPhones aside or else I'll just keep on ellaborating about it and it goes blah, blah, blah. Lol!
It's already year 2011 and the following year will be 2012. So we (with much hesitant from me in the beginning) decided that it is already time for us to go around searching and collecting infos on some bridal packages that they have to offer. During the last weekends, we went to the Bridal Expedition that was held in Singapore Expo. Gosh! It was such a confusing state for us! We had to go round to sit and enquire about the packages that they were offering.

Some were good however some of it was expensive. Seriously SUPER EXPENSIVE! What's the point of taking part in the expedition when you have to mark the price that high ($2700/++)? And that was just for the Andaman (4 pairs of bridal costumes, make-up & accessories, plus extra service charge) only, ok. The deposit that they want will be 80%. I was really disappointed wth it actually since it has been one of my favourite bridal andaman. It was too ridiculous that I had to search for others. Finally, we did decide upon one. Zulina Creations. We were quite impressed with what they offered and definitely happy with the choice.
With His permission, insya'allah, we'll be getting married at the end of year 2012. I always thought that it is still a long way to go and kind of early to start booking the necessary things for the wedding. But it proved me wrong. I was really surprised and shocked that some of the services are either fully booked or left with one slot for the date we have chosen. Wow, that's KIASU man. Lol!
Well, we will have to run ahead than the others if it has to be this way. Huff! Hoof! Huff! Hoof!
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